Day 9 – 04APR2014: Tangalle
Distance cycling: 0 km
Distance walking: 10 km
Distance running: 6 km
This is my bungalow for 2 nights. It has no A/C, but an old floor fan that makes the night heat bearable.
No biking today. Bum’s pleased. But legs get restless, so I go for a long walk along the beach to Tangalle, and in the afternoon I put on my running shoes and go for a run (again, to Tangalle and back).
When one of the fishermen on the beach ask for my help pulling the heavy net (several hundreds metres long) up on the beach, I don’t hesitate. I might not have been of much help (say 3 minutes), but you can tell that I put in a lot of effort! 🙂
Fishermen at work in Tangalle Harbour.
The view from the restaurant at Sandy’s Cabanas. It’s a great dinner buffet. I eat like a wolf.
Today’s little run: